4 beds, 2 full, 1 part baths
Home size: 2,160 sqft
Added: 06/29/23, Last Updated: 07/03/2023
Property Type: Detached Home for Sale
MLS Number: VAFX2133802
Subdivision: Reston

Nesbitt Realty adheres to a strict code of Realtor ethics. This code is based on professionalism and protection of the public. Nesbitt Realty can also help you with these similarly priced detached homes around 20191. For purchasing, selling, renting, and property management, consider Nesbitt Realty. We want what's best for the client.OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING WITH THIS RESTON HOME! PRICED TO MOVE. THE OWNERS HAVE STARTED THE RENOVATION—-YOUR JOY TO COMPLETE! LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION OFF LAWYERS ROAD ON A .58 ACRE LOT. THE PRIVATE BACKYARD IS JUST WAITING FOR YOUR ... [Read more]