Can A First-Time Buyer Get A Rebate On A Home Like 3650 S Glebe Rd #649 In Arlington, Virginia?
Do you want a unit in 22202 in Arlington?
Has the time come to own a a home? Fantastic. Nesbitt Realty is here to assist.
When you're getting started, one of your biggest hurdles you'll need to clear is your funds to close. That’s true whether you’re looking at real estate like this unit in Eclipse On Center Park at 3650 S Glebe Rd #649 or any other unit such as this unit at 3650 S Glebe Rd #649. But here's the good news: Nesbitt Realty can assist with your funds to close.
What does that mean? Well, if Nesbitt Realty is your Realtor when you acquire a place of residence like 3650 S Glebe Rd #649, then I will pay a credit of $1,361 toward your funds for your down-payment. It's expected that details and restrictions apply. For instance, you have use our brokerage for representation to receive this down-payment credit.